Category: Woody Point

Hike Lomond River and Anniversary Lunch

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Looking for an easier hike, we went to the Lomond River Hike. It started through a forest with orchids everywhere.



Martha found a patch of wild strawberries

We went into Woody Point for our Anniversary lunch at the Old Loft, which was OK.


Moose pie


Martha had fishcakes baked beans

Granite Coffee House and Laundry

Granite Coffee House and Laundry

Granite Coffee House and Laundry

Friday, July 26, 2019

 We loaded the washing machines at Granite Coffee and Laundry, and went next door for breakfast. I had the works, eggs, sausage and pancakes, while Martha had eggs, bacon and toast and a pancake. They also had WIFI, slow, but it was WIFI. In fact it would be the last WIFI I would see for a while.

Granite Coffee is my favorite place in Woody Point, for the laundry, for the people, the WIFI and the food. There is a liquor store that also has food and a variety of other things, and a nice young lady running it. There is an ice cream shop with a craft store and nice restaurant upstairs. This is regatta weekend with all kinds of events going on, and it was getting busy.


We went to the lovely Visitor’s Center, where I tried to learn more geology. Behind the Visitor’s Center, there is an Lookout Hills Trail, which translated, means climb up this bigass mountain for a pretty view, and a pretty view it was! Bonne Bay, no matter where you view it form, is a spectacular piece of water.




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